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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Community Park Cleaning

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

John and Marques Picking up Trash at Montella Park in West Hollywood, Fl

We at SERVPRO of West Hollywood / Dania Beach enjoy giving back to the community through service hours.  On Novemeber 17, our team members took sometime out of our day to help clean up the Montella Park in West Hollywood.  We like to believe its the small things that are done in the community that builds to a bigger and stronger community. For 3 hours the team was able to collect almost three full bags of trash left behind people.  The trash was separated during the process of picking up from paper / cardboard items, plastic items and remaining was trash.  This allowed us to take the trash collected and properly recycle.  The team was excited for accomplishing the clean up for the day.  Afterwards john treated the team with pizza for all the great work they did that day.

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